Thursday, July 30, 2009

Extra Credit: Pirates

I just finished watching "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl." Let's review the major sections of a short story or novel, i.e. climax, exposition, dialogue, protagonist, etc. Also if you recognized a Biblical allusion, please share with the group. As always don't be afraid to refute another's post but be sure to use textual evidence to support your opinion.

Here's my idea to get us started:

The first scene of "Pirates" is shown like a prologue to a novel. It provides the background necessary to understand the different attitudes towards the pirates: Elizabeth is fascinated, Norrington is disgusted, and Gibbs uses for his own purposes.


  1. Climax:

    I personally have seen Pirates 1 so many times that I can't count. I'm addicted to Johnny and Orlando, but that's a different story. I would like to suggest what I think the climax is. Towards the end of the movie, Captain Jack and Barbosa have a huge quarrel, we all think that Jack has no part in the muntiny or curse. He shoves the sword through Barbosa's chest knowing it will do no harm. Next, the sword goes through Sparrow's chest! I thought that was the end, but stumbling into the moon light reveals and reminds the audience of the gold coin taken earlier.

    I hope I'm right cause that was a lot to type!

    Amanda Fryar

  2. Rising Action:
    In this movie there is lots of rising action. There are many scenes that lead up to the climax of the story. I think the rising action starts when they are trying to catch Jack Sparrow in the beggining of the movie. There are many parts of rising action like when the pirates invade the governer's city and then when Jack Sparrow tries to get the Black Pearl. All of these scenes lead to the final fight between Jack Sparrow and Captain Barbossa. All of these scenes lead to the climax of the movie.

    Sammy Chinchilla.

  3. Protagonist:
    I think the main protagonist of the movie isn't Jack or Will, but Elizabeth. She's pretty much the driving force throughout the entire movie, and without her, nothing would have happened in the first place. Any time the plot seems like it's about to be resolved, she complicates things and moves it on. Like she spots Will floating on the driftwood in the prologue and then takes the medallion which gets her kidnapped later in the movie and starts Will in on the whole chase. Then there's when she got Norrington to go after Will and the Black Pearl by agreeing to marry him and at the end when she creates a diversion to let Will save Jack. She's always there to move the story on.

    Biblical Allusions:
    And as for biblical allusions, there's always Gibbs saying 'Mary, mother of God.' at the beginning, haha. Or there's Barbossa offering Elizibeth the apple right before she learns about the curse, which I think refers to the garden of Eden and the forbidden fruit.

    Jennifer Thompson

  4. Like others I have seen the movie a couple of time but had to watch it again to look for the climax. I think I found it but I might be wrong. I think it was when Jack defeats Barbossa and end the curse of the Cortez's treasure then Jack and Will was rescued by Elizabeth.

    So I hope Amanda and I are right.

    Vy Le

  5. In this movie, there was a lot of rising action that led to falling action to resolution very quickly. For example, at the end when Jack Sparrow fell over the edge of the wall into the water. It seemed like he had drowned but he actually swam to the Black Pearl.

    Lindsay Davis
